NoBarkLeftMarf: Hey. Hey foxy

FineWithIceNine: …

NoBarkLeftMarf: Foxy. Foxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

FineWithIceNine: >.>

NoBarkLeftMarf: fucking foxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

FineWithIceNine: <.<

NoBarkLeftMarf: cutest little foxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

FineWithIceNine: Hi. :P ðŸ–¤

NoBarkLeftMarf: hey foxy. Having a good game night?

FineWithIceNine: …Yes, what about you?

NoBarkLeftMarf: oh im just thinking about sailor moon

FineWithIceNine: Sailor moon? We’re uh, actually watching that. It’s one of Her favorites.

NoBarkLeftMarf: wait seriously? 

FineWithIceNine: Yeah! 

NoBarkLeftMarf: she likes sailor moon? 

FineWithIceNine: She likes a lot of things. Sailor moon, fantasy books, machine learning…

NoBarkLeftMarf: huh. i guess, i just didn’t think that shed you know; have nostalgia for that type of stuff given she grew up in like, the jurrasic period 

FineWithIceNine: Honestly? I don’t even think about when she grew up. It’s easier that way. 

NoBarkLeftMarf: yeah I getcha there. sort of i mean like i try not to think about this stuff with ross

FineWithIceNine: Oh God, you and me both. 

NoBarkLeftMarf: hey so speaking of sailor mooon.

NoBarkLeftMarf: *moon

NoBarkLeftMarf: millennials 

FineWithIceNine: yeah it’s a popular show among 90s kids


no but like, millennials

okay here me out so like

you know how the sailor scouts have to face monsters like every other week

and its just. a non stop torrent of fucking monsters

like the ice rink is monsters the ski contest is monsters everything is monsters monsters monsters

its like that for us! 

FineWithIceNine: I’m not sure I- 


NoBarkLeftMarf: its like that for us! i mean for me literal,lly (more than literally)

but like three fucking recessions

FineWithIceNine: i- 

NoBarkLeftMarf: you ever wonder if like, instead of the sailor scouts theyd be cheering on the monsters? 

like i dont wanna get grim but like you ever wonder? 

sure as fuck seems like what happens in real life

monsters on every corner and people are just like “well he entered monster academy” but hes not such a bad dude other than that time he ate someones grandma. now the other person. he was no saint

ahh fuck that was way more real than i intended

fucking week in hell you know

FineWithIceNine: *hugs*

NoBarkLeftMarf: so like picture millennials as a gineration of sailor scouts. also yes I’m drunk. I know you’re durnk too because you just never respond with ðŸ–¤ unless youre drunk

FineWithIceNine: wait with what? Respond with what? 


NoBarkLeftMarf: okay the lines still secure so, wait is someone reading this aloud to you or? is that your daemon responding? do you just not type your own messages when youre drunk? does sakura type your messages?!?XD

FineWithIceNine: maybe…

NoBarkLeftMarf: Holy fuck she can do that?!?

FineWithIceNine: i. yeah….. its hard…. and yes I may have had a coupleo fomartinos ðŸ–¤

NoBarkLeftMarf: so you just have her like. how does that even work she’s got tiny fox paws for hands that is not even possible

FineWithIceNine: fuck if i know usual= I just like ask her but everything seems to work inside this house and she can just typea on my phine?

NoBarkLeftMarf: the gift that keeps fuckign giving. okay so like. millennials. We re like sailor scouts. We battle monsters every week and for a lot of us the public isn’t even on our side. they're cheering n the monsters. except its not just monsters. its everyday life too; but not being in high school. its shit like a recession or the monster in chief or the fucking corporatiosn run by people who donate to the monsters or the general old monster party and the demonsters and theres so many monsters were just drowning in it and tuxedo man shows up and hes like ‘gee it sure does suck to be you; honk honk!’ and then he goes home to his fucking nice house in the suburbs and has a normal night not worrying about shit while were out here drowning in monsters in our shitty 400sqft apartment we can barely afford or the 700sqsft one we share with two roommates and meanwhile we’re spending all of our 30s going “fuck is there something we could have done different in school? are we still expected to be guardians?” and a new monsters everyw eek is getting pretty fucking old but everyone just expects us to keep at it and meanwhile were drowning in monsters and it fucking sucks

FineWithIceNine: and were stuck indoors for a goddamn year and a half a goddamn year anad A HALF 

NoBarkLeftMarf: unless were working at a retail job which lets be real a good portion of either us or are friends are and were still drowning in goddamn monsters the whole fucking year. Monsters and fucking tuxedo man who drops by to say ‘thanks for being a hero’ and pats you on the back and leaves

FineWithIceNine: Fuck. I think you just capred the entire experince better than Homestuck ðŸ–¤

NoBarkLeftMarf: I will never get whats with you and Homestuck. 

FineWithIceNine: what would your transformation sequence lick like

FineWithIceNine: i gotta know

NoBarkLeftMarf: oh man

NoBarkLeftMarf: id steal that dudes outfit. Id be like. tuxedo man except a fucking husky. Cutest fricking furry enby on the face of the planet next to idk sonicfox???? 

FineWithIceNine: i love them so much…..

NoBarkLeftMarf: they’re pretty fucking great

NoBarkLeftMarf: so yeah id like have tux’s outfit with like, a skirt instead of those pants and some big fucking sun earrings. sailor solar. oh and the outfit would extend to my tail too. with the power of the sun, i incinerate you~! you wanted some homestuck just picture prospit tuxedo man husky boy. that’s what id be like. 

FineWithIceNine: oh fuck i love that. your tail. <3 

NoBarkLeftMarf: …Sakura please make sure she doesn’t have too many drinks. 

FineWithIceNine: I’m already on that. -Sakura

NoBarkLeftMarf: good. thank you 

FineWithIceNine: Sailor Europa <3 

NoBarkLeftMarf: i think you’re going to regret this in the morning, Anastasia

FineWithIceNine: no no no I want to tell you. i thought it out real well everything. Id be sailor europa. Freezing cold winds of Europa; I judge you! id have a bigggggggg gownnnnnnn and itd be the best shade of blue and my tail would go out the backsy. <3 

NoBarkLeftMarf: oh my god did you just say backsy? 

NoBarkLeftMarf: im going to check in with her and make sure youre not dying of alcohol poisoning

FineWithIceNine: i just want my tail to come out the backsy <3 and big pearl earrings and my hair in the best fricking like. oh gosh iill send you a picture. Actually I got a commission of it a while ago?  

NoBarkLeftMarf: you. are adorable. 

FineWithIceNine: no you are <3 

NoBarkLeftMarf: I’m okay with that. ðŸ˜Š